Friday, March 27, 2009

Spring is Here!!!

Temperatures are rising!

Flower buds are nearly bursting!

Vacations are about to begin!

Weddings bells are in the air!

Easter celebrations are set!

Its time to contact Irma Breneman (240-965-2102) at the Comfort Inn Capital Beltway and make your reservations.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Welcome to Irma Breneman

Irma started with the Comfort Inn Capital Beltway on March 3rd, 2009. She was initially scheduled to start on March 2nd, but the snow on the ground that day was so crazy that we decided she could stay at home on her first day! Since her start, Irma has been busy getting to business - the business of building and maintaining relationships for the hotel! Irma most recently came from the Melrose hotel in Washington DC, where she spent three years as a Sales Manager. Irma received several awards during her tenure there, and her Sales experience goes back several years and spans the globe....she got her start as National Account Manager in 1995 for Coca-Cola in Jakarta, Indonesia! Irma now comfortably lives with her husband and dog in Bowie, MD. To reach out to Irma, call her direct at 240-965-2102 or email her at !

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy Spring from the Comfort Inn Capital Beltway!

We did a Presentation today at Choice Headquarters in Silver are some pictures! Spring has sprung, and we are celebrating new beginnings and having fun! That's Donna, Kristin, and Irma at the top.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Choice's CEO in USA Today

Steve Joyce, the CEO of Choice, is on USA Today's website. Check out the article:

Monday, March 16, 2009

Links We Want to Share

Whether you've just caught the traveling bug or you're an old hat at this, we thought we'd give you some links to our favorites:

Budget Travel
National Geographic Traveler
USA Today
Travel Weekly
Business Travel News
Reunions Magazine
Travel Industry Association
Student Youth Travel Associatio

Friday, March 13, 2009

All Hail the Cherry Blossoms

The blooming of the cherry trees around the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C. has come to symbolize the natural beauty of our nation's capital city. Hundreds of thousands of visitors from across the nation and around the world come to the Nations Capital to witness the spectacle, hoping that the trees will be at the peak of bloom for the Cherry Blossom Festival, Washington, D.C.'s rite of spring.

The plantings of cherry trees originated in 1912 as gift of friendship to the United States from the people of Japan. In Japan the flowering cherry tree or "Sakura", as it is called by the Japanese people, is an exalted flowering plant. The beauty of the cherry blossom is a potent symbol equated with the evanescence of human life and epitomizes the transformation of Japanese Culture throughout the ages.

Better plan your visit now! For more information, including expected peak bloom times, take a look at the following websites: , and . Don't forget to make your reservations with us - we are only a few miles from the Metro!

Feeling a Little Spring in Your Step? Cherry Blossom Time is Here!

The blooming of the cherry trees around the Tidal Basin in Washington, D.C. has come to symbolize the natural beauty of our nation's capital city. Hundreds of thousands of visitors from across the nation and around the world come to the Nations Capital to witness the spectacle, hoping that the trees will be at the peak of bloom for the Cherry Blossom Festival, Washington, D.C.'s rite of spring.

The plantings of cherry trees originated in 1912 as gift of friendship to the United States from the people of Japan. In Japan the flowering cherry tree or "Sakura", as it is called by the Japanese people, is an exalted flowering plant. The beauty of the cherry blossom is a potent symbol equated with the evanescence of human life and epitomizes the transformation of Japanese Culture throughout the ages.

For more information on the Cherry Blossom Fetsival, including peak ex[

Thursday, March 12, 2009

We love AAA!

How many times have you been stranded on the side of the road, frantically searching for your AAA card? And then breathed a sigh of relief when the experience was all over? Even in college, AAA was there for you. I will never live some of those stories the one time when I had to get my car towed all the way back to my parents' house, thinking something was really wrong. Lo and behold, I was OUT OF GAS. Talk about embarressing...and my family still laughs about it to this day!

Don't forget that AAA nowadays is about so much more than "emergency roadside assistance". There's car insurance, maps, magazines, ratings and, of course, AAA discounts! We here at the Comfort Inn Capital Beltway proudly accept the AAA card. In fact, we are AAA Diamond rated. Remember to ask for your AAA discount when you make your reservations, and show us your card at check in. Go to to discover more about AAA and what it can do for you.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Welcome to Freeville

Have you seen the buzz about the Choice promotion yet? Stay just two nights at any Choice Hotel and get the third free! Pretty simple...and with almost 6,000 hotels nationwide, pretty doable! All you have to do is go to and sign up for our frequent membership program, Choice Privileges. Click on the "Freeville" link to learn more. Traveling was already affordable with Choice Hotels, and now it's even better!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

American Dish Contest With Rachael Ray Magazine

Have you entered the contest yet? The deadline is April 17th, 2009! Submit a 50 word or less description of a favorite "American" dish you discovered while travelling, and why it is meaningful to you. There are 4 Grand Prizes: Entry featured in an advertorial and on website, Everyday With Rachael Ray "Faves" product basket with $100 cash card, and Choice Privileges® points redeemable for a two-night stay at a Choice Hotels® brand hotel. 8 First Prizes: Entry featured on website, Everyday With Rachael Ray "Faves" product basket, and $50 Choice Hotels® gift card. For more information, including contest rules and the entry form, visit .

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Have you seen the commercials yet?

Starting yesterday, Choice Hotels launched a series of television ads that extoll the virtues of staying at a Choice Hotel. Why would you spend money on items that cost at other hotels when you can get them for free at a Choice property? Things like High Speed Internet, Deluxe Continental Breakfast, complimentary newspapers and parking are included in the price when you stay at any Choice hotel. Why spend money on these things when you can spend it on the stuff you really enjoy? For more information on the television ads, click here: